1 How to use our extension

Open with Excel

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Thank you for installing and using our extension


Install and open.

  • After installing the extension. You right click on the file you wish to open with Excel and choose "Open with Excel" using the context menu.

What is Excel?

Excel is a spreadsheet program by Microsoft that allows you to create spreadsheets and perform calculations on them. The program was first released in 1985, and has been improved over the years with new features such as macros, pivot tables and charts.

A spreadsheet is a table of data arranged in rows and columns, usually stored electronically. The data can be numbers, text or formulas that perform calculations on other cells. Spreadsheets are used in accounting, finance, engineering and many other areas of business and academia.

Excel files have the extension ".xlsx" and are often referred to as "workbooks." They contain sheets of data arranged in rows and columns (tables). You can create separate sheets within an Excel file for each project or task you're working on, allowing you to keep related data together for easier tracking or analysis later on.

Why do people use spreadsheets?

Use a spreadsheet to track your expenses, income and savings.

The spreadsheet is one of the most versatile tools in your arsenal. The spreadsheet can be used to organize data, perform calculations and create charts. You can also use it as a database for storing information about your contacts, customers and vendors.

Spreadsheets can be used to track finances such as bank accounts, investments and debts. The spreadsheet allows you to see how much money you're spending on different expenses, such as rent and utilities. It also shows how much you're spending on items such as groceries and clothing.

You can use the spreadsheet to figure out how much money you have left over after paying all your bills and other expenses. This gives you an idea of whether or not you'll have enough money left over after paying all your bills so that you can save some money for future purchases or emergencies.

What popular software can open xlsx file format?

There are a number of applications that can open xlsx files on Mac and Windows. This list includes the most popular programs that support the xlsx file format, which is an extension for Microsoft Excel spreadsheets.

Microsoft Office 2016 for Mac

OpenOffice 4.1 for Mac

LibreOffice 5.2 for Linux, Mac and Windows

Google Sheets

Apple Numbers (for Mac only)


  1. Install the Extension
  2. After installing the extension, click on the icon on the toolbar.

Easily open desired links using Microsoft Excel